Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Messy Room again…..Ugh!

So I failed again!  My room is a total mess, a disaster area!  I've been cleaning it out for 2 days.  Yeah.  It takes me over 2 days to clean my room.  How embarrassing is that?  So anyway, after Christmas I started.  I have actually gotten rid of some things and am trying to re-organize.  It seems like I can never  keep things clean and organized.  :-(

Sunday, December 13, 2015

That Same Old Love…...

So the song I'm currently feeling is Selena Gomez's "Same Old Love."  I don't know about others, but I can totally relate to this song.  Being in love with someone or something that is so toxic that it literally tears you up inside and makes you feel sick is no way to live.  But you keep loving that same thing.  WHY????  Sometimes you just don't know or even understand why, all you know is that you're in love.  Well, I've felt this way for a good amount of time.  Although I am happy and I know I have most everything going for me, there are times when that "Same Old Love" comes to haunt me.  Sometimes it is in my sleep and sometimes it will come out of nowhere.  I'll feel torn up for a while and then it disappears.  Does anyone else feel this way?  Ever?  Here's to "Same Old Love."

Photo: Screenshot from my iPhone.

Monday, December 7, 2015

My Favorite Fashion Blogger!

Time for fashion blogger talk!  So you know the girls that have the most amazing outfits and beauty tips?  The ones with beautiful OOTD pictures and look so well put together?  Well, I stumbled across a fashion blogger who specializes in petite fashion!  Awesome!  Being barely over 5' I have always felt like the shortest person on the planet.  However, this fashion blogger is 4'11"  And OH MY GOODNESS, does she know how to dress!  Finally, a fashion blogger that "gets it!"  This meaning she gets that any pair of nice jeans I purchase have to be altered.  So as if I'm not spending enough money on designer denim, I have to turn around and spend more money to have them tailored so I'm not dragging an extra foot of fabric with every step I take.  She gets it!  She even made a blog post mentioning how much money she has spent on tailoring her clothes.  Anyway, her name is Olivia Rink, and she is my inspiration when clothes shopping and getting dressed in the morning.  Check her out for yourself, especially if you are fun sized like me!  Check out Olivia Rink!

Photo credit: Oliviarink.com  

Another Sale! :-D

OMG!  Another sale!  I'm so excited!  I just made another sale on Tradesy.  This time, a pullover/sweater that is practically brand new and only worn once.  This is the best way to get rid of things in your closet that you don't use, yet are in really good shape!  Even though some of these things don't bring in a ton of money, every little bit counts and adds up.  I highly recommend using Tradesy to unload those "only worn once" dresses and the "I'll fit into it one day" pants.  LOL!  Hoping to sell more!  :-D

Wednesday, December 2, 2015


It is officially here!  Christmas time!  I picked up this little cutie at Starbucks the other day.  :-)

We are all Beautiful in our own way.

So if you've been on Instagram lately, you've noticed the overposting of young girls with the perfect bikini bodies and hundred/thousand dollar dresses with painted on makeup.  I used to think that this was what beautiful was until lately.  These overposted images that have been plastered all over the internet are not what is beautiful to everyone!  Without all the painted on makeup, you wouldn't even recognize half those girls!  Beautiful is who you are as a person, not what you wear (although, some of those outfits are to die for pretty!).  Beautiful comes in all shapes and sizes.  I'm not a 6' tall model.  I am barely over 5' and that's ok.  It doesn't make me not beautiful.  It makes me, me!  Beautiful is not a designer handbag and thousand dollar shoes.  Beautiful is not a $200,000 sports car.  These are things that are nice to have, but they do not make you, as a person, beautiful.  

Black Friday!

So how was everyone's Thanksgiving?!  Lots of food, lots of leftovers!  But now I must ask, how many of you went out shopping the next day?  How many of you experienced Black Friday?!?!  I did!  I have finally experienced the true reality that is Black Friday.  I'm not going to say what store or what city, but good grief people.  I was caught in the middle of a stampede of crazy people at the crack of dawn fighting to the death over merchandise!  Pushing and shoving, shopping carts flying everywhere. My poor mom was with me and got body slammed by a very large person.  She ended up flying about 10 feet away from me and I got abandoned in the middle of all this craziness!  Anyway,  what I went through to get what we wanted from this store was ridiculous!  Anyway, I somehow managed to get out of the store in one piece, however, I ended up with one heck of a bruise on my arm from the whole ordeal.  Reaching through shelves and getting pushed around is what this is from!